Plasma Pen Treatment

The Plasma Pen

Plasma Pen IQ is a treatment that utilizes powerful plasma energy to tighten the skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Not to be confused with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) but instead this super heated Plasma energy forms an ionized gas that creates a fusion arc, resulting in tiny little burns. In other words, this treatment creates controlled wounds by making tiny burns in the skin’s surface to tighten skin and force collagen production. The reaction on the skin’s surface during treatment is amazingly like instant shrink wrap! The “dots” are strategically placed around fine lines and wrinkles and instantly tighten the skin. Underneath the skin’s surface, the nervous system sends signals to the brain to rush fibroblast and collagen to heal and cushion the wounded area. This healing reaction continues for up to 6 months after treatment, so the results get better and better over time. The little burns turn into little scabs that fall off around day 5 after the initial treatment. Pink dots may be present for up to a month, but diminish much more quickly on a normal basis, usually 10-14 days. Of course this all depends on the skin type and condition of the client being treated.


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